So, my mom has promised me she'll read my blog. I am holding her to that promise by posting pictures she wants to see ONLY HERE! Muahahaaaaa.
Thanksgiving in Dresden was fantastic! Even with all the non-Americans who wandered in off the street (ok...we invited them), it was still a great night of delicious food, delicious wine, wonderful company, and of course....gambling. No event hosted by my dear friends, the Spaldings, would be complete without it. You'll be happy to know that I was the victor of ALL gambling activities of the evening, coming out eighty euros richer.
PSYCH! I lost it all. It all being ten euros, but I'm not independently wealthy people. And like Kenny Rogers says, you gotta know when to hold em', know when to fold em', know when to walk awaaaaaaaaay, know when to ruuuuun...well, maybe that's not really applicable considering we didn't play cards, and that I didn't, in fact, know when to walk away.
Also of note: I made a sweet potato dish (with the close guidance of my cooking sensei, Anne Kalos) that people actually, without prompting, said was DELICIOUS. Their words, not mine! It would seem things are looking up on the domestic front.
It was a fantastic night, and made me proud to be one of the 'Muricans in Dresden. Enjoy the pictures mom!

Getting ready to start the night's festivities with a
racing sort of game I don't know the name of.
Before you start, you place up to 3 euros on any of
the little characters. Then you want your little
character to stay on the table the longest. It's
far more exciting than it seems.

In the midst of it. I was still going strong with my
two bets, on the Cubs babushka doll and the Swedish

But alas, the Hawaiian Hula Bitch was the winner.

Roy getting ready to manhandle the enormous

Obviously the most attractive table in the room.

Dinner table 2.

Dinner table 3.

After dinner we played a few rounds of left, right,
center, the ultimate dice game for any low stakes

The suspense continues as the dice roll, and euro
coins fly across the table.

An after dinner shot of....something we found in
the fridge.
Happy Thanksgiving!