Two posts in one day, WHAAA?
I just did a huge pile of laundry, and now it is sitting in a wet, wrinkled heap, waiting to be hung up. A real dryer that actually DRIES one's clothing, rather than just heating it up into a steaming pile of fabric, does not seem to exist in this country. Exaggeration? Perhaps. Does that make it any less annoying? Definitely not.
To avoid hanging up every piece of clothing I own, including my SOCKS, (what kind of a freak hangs up their socks?!) I am doing this. I just bought a huge rug for my living room, as well as a coffee table that I built (well, assembled might be a more appropriate word) myself, and so I am enjoying just sitting in my living room and taking it all in while I type.
I really don't have all that much to say, except that it's cold as balls and still snowing. I also am wishing that I had a television, because I'm definitely in the mood for some sort of TV on DVD marathon. Curses, foiled again. I have a TV stand that I bought from someone who was moving, back in July when I was sure I would get a TV as soon as I moved into my apartment. Ahhh, those days of naivete, before I experienced the trials and tribulations (and public humiliation) of trying to lug something heavy back home on the tram. Unless I am able to find one of those red wagons that kids ride around in, or someone loans me a vehicle, I won't be owning a TV for awhile. No way am I bringing something like that home via public transportation. I suppose a taxi is always an option, but I seem to have very poor luck whenever I try to call for one of those. All of this is really just a sign from the big guns upstairs that I shouldn't be watching TV, since I could be doing so many more constructive things with my time.
I think I will post some pictures, of one of our latest social outings. Any and all social outings in Germany involve alcohol and sausages, and I believe both of these make an appearance in the following fotos (I definitely typed it that way- the German way- accidentally at first. I decided not to correct it because I feel it is a good example of how muddled my brain has become in it's sad, sad attempt to be billingual.)
These photos capture me drinking hot spiced wine, singing karaoke, and getting up to some general debauchery at the Dresden "Winterdorf." For you non-Deutsch sprachers, that's the winter village. It's a classy place, let me tell you. Weiners for miles.
And with that, I'm spent.
A whole crew of teachers from Dresden Int. School

which one is the brit???
Not pictured....
What is going on mi amiga? So I finally did it. I'm living the dream. Just like we used to talk about back when we were poor Brazilian immigrants working as line-cooks at Denny's. I adopted a goat, his name is Tucker, and things were going just fine until about two weeks ago.
Tucker and I were playing some Xbox one day, he's fiercely competitive, but without opposable thumbs he's really bad at video-games.
I kept winning, and every time I did I would do a victory dance and tell Tucker he had a smelly goat face and every time Tucker would kick me in the face. Let's just say I won one game too many, and Tucker really gives it to me.
Next thing I know, it's twelve hours later, Joel (my roommate) is shaking me awake, and I pick myself up from the floor, covered in my own blood and a significant amount of goat urine, only to find a number of my books eaten, and my debit and insurance cards missing.
Tucker and I haven't spoken since. He won't pick up his cell (partially because of the whole thumbs thing).
In other news, I was going to start a blog as a sort of companion blog to yours, it would be called The American Life and it would follow my exploits as a German teaching at an international school in Portland. Of course, when I realized that I wasn't German and I'm not allowed to be within 500 feet of a school (me and Tucker got busted selling Tide Detergent to middle schoolers saying it was coke, I swear Tucker brings out the worst in me), I dispatched with my whole blog plans.
As I'm sure you are aware, your fav vampire book turned poorly made film came out recently here in the states and I've got some news. I was going to surprise you and let you find out when you watched it, but, well, they had to do a bunch of re-shoots and I'm in the movie. It's true, Kristen Stewart dropped out of the movie, so I took the role of Bella. It was a daring casting decision, but I believe it payed off big.
So in news that's actually real, uh... hmm... oh! Josh, my pal of like 18 years, and our kindergarten companion, moved to Portland and so did his girlfriend, Ali, who's a really nice gal.
And another thing not fabricated entirely for your amusement: I don't know how often you find yourself in Prague (I figure occasionally, it's like two or three hours south, right?), but next time you are there, I urge you to visit an art gallery called the Galerie Jakubska, not because I think you'll really like the art, rather because I know someone who works there. Weird, right? But I'm being totally serious. His name is John and he's my cousin Dori's friend. I'm not sure how long he's been living there, but come this Spring he'll be taking over the management and direction of the gallery. He's a cool dude, and if you're in the city of a hundred spires, drop in. He's sort of bookish and loves philosophy, but just mention that you know me, maybe he'll get you a discount on some art. Okay, not really 'cause that shit is expensive, but still.
Well, I should wrap this up. Damn, I write a lot. No wonder my boss hates editing my stories. Speaking of which (I've been writing for the Vanguard this year), I wrote an article about Arrested Development and how they're making a movie of it (finally). I gotta say Bri, I miss watching TV on DVD with you. Me enjoying the shows while you struggle to stay awake, trying to convince me that you hadn't fallen asleep. Ah, good times. It seems things are the opposite with me and Joel. I've been falling asleep on the couch almost every night. Makes one nostalgic. Anyway, if you care, you can check out that article and others by me here. It's pretty much what I spend most of my time doing (that is besides watching movies and uhm... hanging out with Lauren while we, uh... watch... more movies). Damn I wrote a lot, next time I'll just email you. Which email do you use? Bewarethebri or briannacaldwell? Whatever, my email is jekeaton@gmail. Drop me a line (or email) if you got the time.
Hope to see you over the break back in Orygun (its spelled that way, right?). Bye now.
- Jeff
BRI --
It is of the super duper utmost importance you contact me: Jeff, your best friend in the entire world as soon as is humanly possible. Not a minute to spare. No moment to lose. Hesitating will only worsen the situation. Incidentally, if I don't pick up it's cause I'm sleeping my lazy ass off and decided whatever was so urgent can wait until I've gotten through my REM cycles. Anyway, food, my place Fridayish.- Jeff 3604803297
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