Monday, January 5, 2009

Dragon Lady: Not Just for Nuns Anymore

My current mood is foul. This is due solely and completely to my total lack of sleep last night. I blame this whole "time zone" tom foolery for messing up my body clock. Not that it's exactly a well oiled machine normally, but it's not this messed up most of the time.

Given that my mood is so foul, I've decided to create a list.

Things that really make me want to punch a baby:
1. Insomnia.
2. Expensive boots that start to leak due to a sole malfunction mere weeks after purchase.
3. Feet upon feet of snow. This would probably not be on the list if it weren't for item number 2.
4. Idiotic BLOG SPELL CHECK that tells me I don't know how to spell WEREN'T. I know how to correctly spell simple contractions, OK BLOG SPELL CHECK!?
5. The fact that I speak to inanimate objects.
6. Herds of clueless jokers who get off the tram and then form a pod standing RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SIDEWALK, which has been narrowed considerably by the huge snowbanks piled up on both sides.
7. Said herds of clueless jokers refusing to move out of the way when an enraged looking individual (such as myself) says "ENTSCHULDIGUNG" (excuse me) in a very dragon like voice while charging down the ice-encrusted sidewalk.
8. Almost burning my sad but satisfying dinner of canned chili.

Things that make me feel like patting a baby on it's cute, soft little head:
1. SAVING my canned chili from the fiery bowels of the pot bottom just in the nick of time.
2. Going to bed at 7 PM.

Yikes, folks. It's been a long day. I'm out like an Irish stout.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

LOVE the new format!

and LOVE going to bed at 7pm.