Said asshole purchased not one, not even two, but THREE TICKETS TO AUSTRALIA.
Dear Australia: YOU SUCK.
What kind of a world is this?! What kind of a universe is this!? Relatively speaking, I'm a pretty rad person. I open doors for women with baby strollers. I let old people have my seat on public transportation. I lend money to people who need it. I make my neighbor cookies (admittedly with the outside chance of receiving nookie in exchange for the cookie, HA, but still). I teach small children how to read and write and not beat each other to bloody pulps every day. So where the hell has all that good karma gone?!?!?!?!
Can I get a GOB Bluth style OH, COME ON?!
Seriously! It's ridiculous! I'm enraged! ENRAGED, I TELL YOU.
Yes, I've alerted the bank, have my statement asserting my indignation along with my demand to be reimbursed prepared and signed and ready to fax tomorrow, wocka wocka wocka. However, I will not feel better until I have my money back. No, scratch that. I will not feel better until I find the bottom feeder who committed this act of perfidy against me, and take every cent out on their FLESH.
Ok, I may have spoken rashly concerning the flesh part, I'm generally against violence. But I'll turn them over to the authorities. And do a lot of righteous smirking in his/her/their general direction.
Vengeance SHALL be mine......nay.......MUST be mine.
!!!! NO WAY
OH COME ON! Hahaha. Dude, maybe you need to start being more of an asshole. It works for me, all I'm saying. I know you're demoralized. I am too. What the heck kind of world do we live in where jackfucker thieves take advantage of good folk like yourself? Anyway, I feel ya. They (the man) cut my hours at work so I can no longer afford to live in Bellingham unless I get part time job. So I'm gonna quit the bitch, move home for a month, do some serious job searching in San Fran and move down there around June-ish, even if I do not yet have a place of employment. Yep, I feel pretty good about the game plan. NEwayzzzz, hope you get everything sorted out with minimal problems.
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