But, I am cured! Or so it seems, I don't want to get my hopes up too high only to have them dashed after these frosted mini wheats finish digesting. Now that I am feeling better, I have to start cleaning my apartment. Since school started I have just been letting everything pile up, and haven't really been doing this whole cleaning thing. My kitchen is disgusting, and the floors are absolutely filthy. I don't know how they get so dirty but....they do. Additionally, I REALLY need to do laundry, but do I have the stupid tokens to use the laundry machine in the basement of my apartment building? Well, of course I don't. Have I tried on several occasions to acquire said tokens? Well, of course I have. I seem to have a landlord that is never at his office. Either that or he has a policy of not answering the buzzer for people without an appointment. To tell the truth, I don't really care about seeing anyone....if they could just toss some tokens down to me from the upstairs windows I would be happy as a clam at high tide.
Owing to my current lack of tokens (I feel like I am eight years old and back at that one pizza parlor in Salem that had the really awesome games you couldn't put real money into, only tokens), I have to go to a stupid laundromat and try and do my laundry there. Or I might go to one of my co-workers homes to take advantage of their laundry machines which they have IN THEIR APARTMENTS. I suppose I could spring the four hundred euros and buy my own, but it's much more fun (and much cheaper) to just bitch about not having one. Also, buying something of that size would require coordinating the delivery of said machine, and things like that just give me a headache. Because the exchange would invariably be conducted in either broken German (on my part) or broken English (on their part) and I would most likely miss some vital piece of information. You know, something like "you have to pay us 500 euros upon delivery." It seems that I have a lot to bitch about today....eh well, so be it. I feel this is a fairly tame way of dealing with the annoyances in my life.
The second week of school went much better than the first, I have to say. I was a bit downtrodden at the end of last week, and was wondering just what I had gotten myself into. It was definitely not all sunshine, bunnies, and lollipops, but it was better. I didn't want to cry and/or break something at the end of the day yesterday, so I'll take it. I am really starting to understand though, why teachers get so many breaks. Because they NEED them.
I do have some hilarious kids though, and they keep me going. I mentioned the Portland Trailblazers in class yesterday, and after explaining who they were, I was attacked for details, photos, and memorabilia. I didn't want to tell the kids that I wasn't the biggest sports fan to begin with, so I just said I would try and find some Blazers stuff to bring in. Who knew the Blazers would ever make anyone so popular?
I am hoping to go to Prague next weekend. I need a little pick me up. Hopefully it will work out, and maybe someone fun and interesting from work will want to go with me. Not that I am averse to traveling alone, but I do enjoy company.
Also, I have to admit, that I am homesick. I keep thinking about what I would be doing if I were in Portland right now, and then I think about what I was doing last year at this time and how awesome and easy life was. I would give just about anything to be able to sit on the porch of the Farmhouse, eat some cool whip, and drink a beer with my pals.
Or I wish I could just transport all my favorite people here. That would be an acceptable solution.
In other news, my best friend just completed her first TRIATHALON. And it wasn't one of those pansy ass mini triathalons, it was the real one. And the biggest triathalon in the world, no less. She is pretty much a bad ass. This is her crossing the finish line.

AND my little sister started COLLEGE last weekend. Balls, I am getting old.
1 comment:
way to master the drag and drop! =)
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