Before I do any sort of real update, I feel it necessary to acknowledge my dear and faithful friends who actually take time to read this rubbish. I actually started to write an entry singing each of their praises, but when I read it over again, it was just about the most ridiculously corny thing I've ever laid eyes on.
I think you all would have gagged a little upon reading it, despite the good intent. So I will just do the free association thing and write a phrase that pops into my head to describe
each of these amazing individuals.
Krystyn Ourada, above right-and this is reaching way back into the annals of time, I hope she remembers-: (Spoken to a llama) "You wanna go?!"
Courtney Ashford, above left: Me: "Hey is Courtney there?"
Rod Ashford: "No."
Me:"Who the F**CK IS THIS?!!?"
(At four in the morning.)

My dear Anna Walters: "Who wants treatsies?" and "I've made a horrible mistake."
(Or anything Dan Savage related.)

Katy Caldwell, younger sister of epic proportions: "Doggy Monster."
Sorry Katy I just had to do it.

I have to preface my good friend Jeff Hammond's free association phrase with a sad, sad fact: I do not have in my possession any photographs of the two of us together. Tragedy strikes again.
Ok, here is Jeff's: "I can't focus on anything you're saying with your boobs hanging out like that."
Ah, how I love and miss you all! I hope you've enjoyed this little free association game. I know I have. I've also enjoyed the chance to hone my drag and drop skills- they were a little shaky prior to this post.
Truly wonderful people like these are what make life worth living.
And if you are crying to yourself that I didn't mention you, then maybe you should holler at yo' girl every once in awhile.
Awwwww. Thanks Bri. That made my day. You're blog makes me laugh/cry/get thirsty for Bavarian brew everytime I read it. And I'm not joking. And you know, I am actually VERY impressed with your drop and drag skills. Jeff is just a digital snob. Don't mind him. -Anna
you're a drag and drop phenomenon. phenom. ...really good.
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