Saturday, January 16, 2010

I'm a Pro

I know I don't have to say it, since everyone already knows. But- I am. A pro, that is.

Do not dispute me! The truth lies in the name of my NEW LAPTOP....MacBook PRO. Obviously used by professionals, and professionals only.

The area of my professionalism has yet to be determined...teaching? My level of professionalism is debatable, considering the fact that I mutter "jerks" under my breath when my kids are annoying me. Essentially, I'm extremely excited to have this new piece of machinery at my disposal. Here's to hoping that this piece lasts longer than others in my home, as NO ONE wants to re-live (hyphen or no hyphen?!) the iPod falling in the toilet crisis of 2008.

The one problem is that I can't figure out what to do in place of the "right click" option that my good old PC offered. I'm a right click fanatic, so it's been a bit rough. If any Mac users out there have some advice, I'm all ears.

In other news, Christmas break came and went much too fast, and I loved having my sister here, even if she did hate London. I love her enough to forgive her for that. I'll admit to being slightly mopey after she left Dresden to go party with her friends for a couple more weeks, leaving me here having to return to work in a few days. I can also neither confirm nor deny that my Christmas tree is still up in the corner of my living room, due to the overwhelming melancholy I feel at the thought of taking it down by myself. Oh, it's a fake tree. That's why it's still standing and hasn't spontaneously combusted already. I've decided that tomorrow is the day though. It has to be done- I'd be more than slightly embarrassed if someone stopped by in mid January and my tree was still up in all it's glory. And yes, it is glorious.

Dresden is a snowy wasteland these days. I'm seriously considering investing in a dogsled along with a pair of matching Huskies as my means of transportation. I've never been exposed to THIS much snow for such an extended period of time, and I'm starting to understand why my dear friend Kristin Ourada always referred to it as "white poison."

What do you know, it's 2:28 AM. How time flies when you're fiddling around on your new computer. I do believe that's my cue to hit the sack.



Diapadion said...

The one mouse button thing is such bullshit. The Mac fanatic excuse is "oh well you can still do all the same stuff just in other ways." But Apple is still willfully ignoring a simply implemented bit of technology which would only make users more satisfied. Its rather puerile.

Kristin said...

White poison!

Jeff said...

Two things Bri...

One, I absolutely want to revisit the iPod in the toilet episode of 2008.

And two, for the same function of the "right-click" button, simply hold the "ctrl" button and hit the mouse key. or just buy a usb mouse that has two keys.

Bri C. said...

I feel so validated when people comment!! You people are cool.

I purposely said "you people" instead of "you guys" because I got a talking to today from one of my school administrators about how the phrase "you guys" is too gender specific and should not be applied to a group of male AND female children. Cripes.

Thanks for the Mac thoughts boys, they are much appreciated. KO, the white poison is melting!