Two posts in one day, WHAAA?
I just did a huge pile of laundry, and now it is sitting in a wet, wrinkled heap, waiting to be hung up. A real dryer that actually DRIES one's clothing, rather than just heating it up into a steaming pile of fabric, does not seem to exist in this country. Exaggeration? Perhaps. Does that make it any less annoying? Definitely not.
To avoid hanging up every piece of clothing I own, including my SOCKS, (what kind of a freak hangs up their socks?!) I am doing this. I just bought a huge rug for my living room, as well as a coffee table that I built (well, assembled might be a more appropriate word) myself, and so I am enjoying just sitting in my living room and taking it all in while I type.
I really don't have all that much to say, except that it's cold as balls and still snowing. I also am wishing that I had a television, because I'm definitely in the mood for some sort of TV on DVD marathon. Curses, foiled again. I have a TV stand that I bought from someone who was moving, back in July when I was sure I would get a TV as soon as I moved into my apartment. Ahhh, those days of naivete, before I experienced the trials and tribulations (and public humiliation) of trying to lug something heavy back home on the tram. Unless I am able to find one of those red wagons that kids ride around in, or someone loans me a vehicle, I won't be owning a TV for awhile. No way am I bringing something like that home via public transportation. I suppose a taxi is always an option, but I seem to have very poor luck whenever I try to call for one of those. All of this is really just a sign from the big guns upstairs that I shouldn't be watching TV, since I could be doing so many more constructive things with my time.
I think I will post some pictures, of one of our latest social outings. Any and all social outings in Germany involve alcohol and sausages, and I believe both of these make an appearance in the following fotos (I definitely typed it that way- the German way- accidentally at first. I decided not to correct it because I feel it is a good example of how muddled my brain has become in it's sad, sad attempt to be billingual.)
These photos capture me drinking hot spiced wine, singing karaoke, and getting up to some general debauchery at the Dresden "Winterdorf." For you non-Deutsch sprachers, that's the winter village. It's a classy place, let me tell you. Weiners for miles.
And with that, I'm spent.
A whole crew of teachers from Dresden Int. School